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Pregnancy in dogs

Trächtigkeit beim Hund

Pregnancy in dogs lasts 58 to 68 days on average. Depending on the breed, between three and twelve puppies are born per litter.

When your bitch is ready to mate, how to recognize a pregnancy in your dog and what you can do to support your four-legged friend is explained below.

From when a pregnancy is possible with the dog

In bitches, the entry into sexual maturity takes place with their first heat. This usually occurs between the sixth and twelfth month of life, although for some four-legged friends it can also last until the end of the second year of life.  

In general, small dog breeds mature earlier than their larger counterparts.

Course of the heat

Bitches are in heat about every six to nine months. The heat is divided into three phases.

1. Fore heat: attempts at mating are usually fended off. (Duration: approx. 3 to 17 days)

2. Heat: The bitch is ready to mate. (duration approx. 3 to 21 days)

3. Afterbirth: The symptoms of heat decrease again. (duration approx. 9 to 12 weeks)

The resting phase between two runs is also called Anöstrus. It begins with the end of afterbirth and ends with the beginning of the next heat.

The pregnancy with the dog recognize

If it came to a successful mating during the heat, the teats of the quadruped swell after approximately 30 days. In addition, it comes to transparent to whitish discharge from the vagina.

As the pregnancy progresses, the bitch begins to gain weight and the belly becomes thicker. However, the latter is not always the case. Especially during her first pregnancy, or a few puppies, the belly remains almost unchanged in many bitches.

With the pregnant dog go to the veterinarian

If you notice that your dog is pregnant, you should make an appointment with the vet as soon as possible. The vet can check whether your suspicion is correct and rule out possible complications.

A pregnancy test in the form of a hormone level measurement is possible approximately three weeks after conception. An ultrasound examination can be performed at about the end of the fourth week of pregnancy.

From the 30th day of pregnancy, the veterinarian can determine the number of puppies to be expected by palpating the abdomen. However, this is not absolutely reliable. It is therefore quite possible that you may welcome more or less young dogs in your home at the end of the pregnancy.

X-rays, which can also provide information about the number of puppies, are useful after about 45 days. Due to the radiation exposure, some veterinarians advise against this.

The birth of the young animals

Birth of young animals

As the birth approaches, your pregnant bitch will become increasingly restless and try to build her young a cozy nest. You can help her by giving her a box, for example.

The box should be placed in a quiet and warm place and provide enough space for the pregnant bitch and her offspring. With some blankets and cloths you make sure that your four-legged friend has it comfortable during the birth.

Immediately before the birth the body temperature of the pregnant bitch sinks, which is a sure sign that it is ready within the next 24 hours. Vaginal discharge shows that the amniotic sac has burst.

An intervention on your part is normally not possible. Should complications nevertheless occur during birth, we recommend that you call your vet.

The right diet for dogs during pregnancy

In order to support your dog during pregnancy, you should pay particular attention to the diet of the four-legged friend. A high-quality dog food without artificial additives ensures that your pregnant bitch is supplied with all necessary nutrients.

In addition, we recommend a dietary supplement with Bellfor Immun. Even though your dog's pregnancy is not a disease, it is a strain on his organism.

By administering Bellfor Immune you can naturally strengthen the animal's immune system and help your dog to cope well with pregnancy.

The right diet for puppies

What is valid for your pregnant bitch, is valid naturally also for her boys. With our puppy milk and our puppy food you decide from the beginning for a balanced and species-appropriate dog nutrition.

Bellfor Puppy Milk

Bellfor Puppy Milk contains high-quality whole goat milk powder and insect protein from the larvae of the black soldier fly. Selected ingredients and a low lactose content make it particularly digestible and the ideal breast milk substitute from the third week.

In addition, our puppy milk is also ideally suited to provide dogs with additional nutrients during pregnancy or suckling.

Bellfor puppy food

 The composition of our puppy food is specially adapted to the nutritional requirements of puppies and young dogs and thus contributes to an optimal development of the small four-legged friends.

In addition, its increased protein content and adapted amounts of phosphorus and calcium make it ideal for feeding the pregnant bitch.

Pregnancy in dogs - the most important things at a glance

Bitches are usually ready to mate every six to nine months. Pregnancy lasts up to 68 days and initially manifests itself, among other things, in the form of swollen teats. A pregnancy test at the vet is possible after about 21 days.

In most cases, both pregnancy and childbirth go without a hitch. If, contrary to expectations, complications occur, you should not hesitate to contact a veterinarian.

You should also make sure that your pregnant bitch is optimally supplied with all necessary nutrients. You will find the right products for this purpose in the Bellfor range.

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